"Wilson's songwriting is elegant, eloquent and immensely stirring. A folk flawless masterpiece." - AMPKICKER
"Seriously, can't recommend Blue Rose Code enough, cannot stop listening." - EWAN McGREGOR, Actor
“ of those rare artists whose work makes you sit up and listen”. - BBC
"Blue Rose Code is a very important emerging singer/songwriter." - BOB HARRIS, BBC RADIO 2
"This is simply beautiful, I am a folk convert." - EMMA FREUD, BBC RADIO 4
"This rare display of soul and emotion will not be boxed. A sign of something special." - SPIRAL EARTH
"An affirmation of love that links human relationships with the natural world. As sublimely paced as Astral Weeks-era Van Morrison." - FOLK RADIO UK
"Ross Wilson's mellifluous voice and fluid fingerpicking cast him as the natural successor to John Martyn." - THE EVENING STANDARD
"Imagine John Martyn meeting a young Van Morrison and being shipwrecked with a crate of Chet Baker records." - TIME OUT LONDON
Überwunderschön. Scottish Soul-ish-Folk.
Eine der erstaunlichsten Erscheinungen der Schottischen Musik-Szene. Aus Alt-Folk, Songwriter, Motown und Jazz kreieren Blue Rose Code etwas ganz neues: «Caledonian Soul». Parterre holt den Songwriter (Ross Wilson) plus Band für eine exklusive Show in die Schweiz!
Als wären diese souligen, warmen, entspannt-sehnsüchtigen Songs nicht schon mehr als Grund genug, Blue Rose Code stundenlang zuzuhören, nein, Ross Wilson's klar hörbarer Schottischer Akzent setzt dem Ganzen noch ein Sahnehäubchen auf. Oder mit einer Schokoladen-Metapher gesprochen: eine zart-bittere Praline aus dunkelster Schokolade mit sanft angedeuteter Süsse und dann hat's da noch einen Tropfen Single Malt Whiskey drin. Zu widerstehen wäre eine Sünde.
Wir empfehlen an dieser Stelle "Grateful" oder "In The Morning - Part 3" anzuhören.
Im März 2016 erscheint das neue Album " … And Lo! The Bird Is On The Wing", geschrieben irgendwo zwischen den Schottischen Shetland Inseln und dem ländlichen Dorsal und aufgenommen in den Gran's House Studio an der Schottischen Grenze. Auf dem Album finden sich neben den besten Jazz und Folk Musikern Schottlands, The Nashville Gospel Singers, The McCrary Sisters und Danny Thompson auch noch Hollywood A-Lister Ewan McGregor. Und es scheint, als könnte Wilson nicht happier sein mit den Resultat: "It's an album for music fans and musicians. A challenging record, I think (…) I'm passionate about that fusion of folk and jazz and where it intersects with songwriting. Working with these musicians has been a game-changer. I may have cut my throat because there's not really a single on here but, this is the album that I've written and it's just as I wished it to be."
Es ist ziemlich offensichtlich, dass ihn die Musikindustrie und ihre aktuellen Vorstellungen von "cool" und "in" herzlich wenig interessieren - was letztere und insbesondere die Presse allerdings nicht davon abhält, Blue Rose Code mit Entzückung und hoffnungslos zu verfallen.
'...AND LO! THE BIRD IS ON THE WING' is the new album from the acclaimed Scottish songwriter, Blue Rose Code (Ross Wilson), released March 4th. Recorded at Gran's House Studio in the Scottish Borders and written between the Shetland Isles and rural Dorset, the album features the finest Scottish Jazz and Folk musicians, Nashville Gospel singers, The McCrary Sisters, British music legend Danny Thompson and Hollywood A-lister, none other than Ewan McGregor.
Of the new record, Wilson says, "It's an album for music fans and musicians. A challenging record, I think", and it's abundantly clear that the process has been undertaken away from the cynicism of any record company. "I'm passionate about that fusion of folk and jazz and where it intersects with songwriting. Working with these musicians has been a game-changer. I may have cut my throat because there's not really a single on here but, this is the album that I've written and it's just as I wished it to be."
In the space of only a short few years and two stellar albums, Blue Rose Code, Edinburgh-born Ross Wilson, has gone from song-writing in the obscurity of an East London flat to being celebrated by the industry and fans alike as a legacy artist whose work stands alone.
As BBC Radio 3 broadcaster Mary-Anne Kennedy said recently, "Blue Rose Code is one of those rare artists whose work makes you sit up and listen”.
The Ballads Of Peckham Rye, Blue Rose Code’s second record, was nominated for the prestigious Scottish Album Of The Year Awards in 2014 and featured a roll-call of remarkable talent, including Danny Thompson, Karine Polwart, John Wetton, Aidan O’Rourke and Kathryn Williams.
'GRATEFUL', the first single from the new album was released at the end of 2015 and was playlisted on BBC Radio Scotland for a full five weeks. Truly remarkable for an act without the backing of a label or a heavy management deal.
Further praise has come from the most unexpected of quarters in Hollywood A-lister, Ewan McGregor. Ewan explained, “My uncle Denis Lawson, (star of Local Hero) gave me a copy of The Ballads Of Peckham Rye, it’s beautiful and I can’t stop listening to it.”
Performing live he is stunning, and this reputation led Edith Bowman to personally ask Ross to perform on the launch show of BBC At The Quay with Texas and Stornoway. Edith described Ross’ performance with a nine-piece band, including guest Karine Polwart, as “truly special and beautiful”.
We couldn't agree more - truly an emerging artist to experience!
Van Morrison, John Martyn & Danny Thompson, Miles Davis, Jackson Browne, The Blue Nile, Karine Polwart, John Coltrane, Tom Waits, Garth Brooks, Gillian Welch, Ryan Adams, James Taylor, Blind Melon, Anais Mitchell.
Blue Rose Code: "Edina" (Hiatus Remix)
Blue Rose Code: "Whitechapel"
Blue Rose Code: "This Is Not A Love Song"
Blue Rose Code: Acquainted With The Night
Blue Rose Code: One Day At A Time
Blue Rose Code: From Wester Ross to Nova Scotia
Blue Rose Code: "Grateful" - Live at Gran's House
Blue Rose Code: "Glasgow Rain" - Live at Gran's House
Support: Sarah Reid (CAN) & Marco Nenniger (CH)
"Fan geworden bin ich auch von einer zweiten Band, allerdings einer, von der ich bis zu diesem Wochenende noch nie gehört hatte: Nobody Reads. Ein Trio mit einer Sängerin, so überschäumend wie das Bier, das sie auf die Bühne des Jazzcampus Clubs trägt. Sarah Reid heisst sie, ist jung, kommt ursprünglich aus Kanada und fällt schon nur durch ihren Schlabberlook und ihre kurze Afrofrisur auf. Mit humorvollem Charme sorgt sie für Lacher im Publikum, mit ihrem grandiosen Gesang aber macht sie uns sprachlos. Wow, welche Offenbarung! Reid braucht sich nicht hinter Sängerinnen wie Skin (von Skunk Anansie) oder Macy Gray zu verstecken, ja, sie hat sogar die Phrasierungen von Billie Holiday sehr gut studiert...Eklektisch und erfrischend." - Marc Krebs, TAGES WOCHE, 6.3.2016
Sarah Reid: The Burning Man
Sarah Reid: Soundcloud